Sport and PE Funding
PE and Sport Grant allocation and how we use it.
Currently the government provides additional funding to improve provision of physical education (PE) and sport in primary schools.
At Brindishe Primary Schools we believe that P.E. and school sport contribute to the all-round development of our children and through participation, our children build and learn about our key values such as respect, co-operation, team work, perseverance, focus and respect for oneself and others.
We use our sport premium funding to;
- provide specialist sports coaching and tuition during curriculum time
- develop club and community links with local groups such as Old Colfeians Rugby Club and Kent Cricket Club
- enable increased participation in competitive competitions and festivals through local matches with other primary schools and through membership of the Lewisham School Sports Association
- provide professional development opportunities for teachers and teaching assistants enabling quality teaching and learning in PE for all children
- provide transport (if needed) to swimming and swimming tuition during curriculum time for children in upper KS2
- provide play leader/coaches to run lunchtime active play opportunities to develop healthy lifestyles
- provide high quality equipment and resources for sports, PE and lunchtime play including equipment to support children’s ability to evaluate their own and other's performance.
- provide training and equipment for targeted children in KS2 as well as a program to develop children as mentors and leaders in sport
- provide a range of before and after school sports clubs at low or no or subsidised cost to children with challenging financial circumstances
- enable children to be coached and supported and taken to high level competitions in and around London and the South East
Different clubs are provided at different times of the year and for different age groups so as to provide variety and to extend access.
At Brindishe Schools the clubs we provide may include hockey, basketball, tag rugby, dance, try-golf, handball, tennis, gymnastics, football, multi-sports, and cricket.
Each school aims to have a member of staff to oversee all aspects of PE across the school and to ensure that PE continues to develop. All staff access training to ensure that they are or will be supported to be able to teach PE to a high standard.
Our overall aims are to provide higher quality PE opportunities for all both in curriculum and out-of-hour provisions; improve learning and raise standards in P.E and sport; increase participation offered to our children; offer regular opportunities to participate in competitions and to make high quality teaching of PE and sport sustainable.
Swimming Data
2022/2023 Results for pupils in Year 6:
Meeting national curriculum requirements for swimming and water safety.
- 51% swim competently, confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres
- 55% use a range of strokes effectively
- 57% perform safe self-rescue in different water-based situations